Hand Grips
ZIED Program
GYMNOVA - Over-mat for landing zone for competitive tumbling
GYMNOVA - Porte-mains de compétition pour barres parallèles - FIG
GYMNOVA - Barres parallèles de compétition « Liverpool » FIG
GYMNOVA - Transport trolley for inflatable tracks
GYMNOVA - Electrical inflator for inflatable modules and tracks
GYMNOVA - Hand inflator for inflatable modules - dual action
GYMNOVA - Foam replacement For Ref. 7070 and 7075 - 200 x 100 x 50cm
GYMNOVA - Extra safety mat for landing pits - 300 X 200 X 10cm
GYMNOVA - Extra safety mat for landing pits - 200 X 200 X 10cm
GYMNOVA - Praticable à ressorts (montés) Montréal avec pistes enroulables
GYMNOVA - 13mm braided strips nylon replacement canvas.
Spieth Germany - Rondat mat
GYMNOVA - PVC cover only - for landing block Ref. 7070 - 2m x 1m x 50cm
GYMNOVA - Housse dessus jersey pour Réf. 7075 - 2m x 1m x 50cm
GYMNOVA - Inflatable cylindrical module - 110cm x 80cm
GYMNOVA - Inflatable cylindrical module - 106cm X 60cm
GYMNOVA - Repair Kit for inflatable modules and mats
GYMNOVA - Cover in jersey mat for Ref. 7033
GYMNOVA - Transport trolley for horizontal storage of mats
GYMNOVA - PVC cover only with jersey top for safety mat Ref. 7053